Is studying engineering really this hard in USA as this subreddit is making it seems like?

We have midterms as well, basically exams in the middle of semester., on roughly half of the units content.
I'm from Australia and (although I'm only first year), either the yanks have a significantly different course, or it isn't as difficult as they make it out to be.
My current units:
Accelerated math: combines what the Americans would call Calc 1,2,3 + some stats into one unit (if you met certain pre-requisites in HS) and is designed to cover almost your entire mathematical background. Many of us score in the 90-100% range (including numerous perfect scores).
Mechanics, combines statics, dynamics and fluid mechanics (basically, HS physics with more calculus) into one unit, again, many 95%+ scores.
Electrical systems, basic circuits through to AC analysis (not sure about american equivalent), its a bit more hit and miss, but still multiple people achieve perfect scores.
Engineering writing unit, unfortunately we aren't here because we are language geeks ;).
Workload is basically 1 or 2 online or in person quizzes each week + the odd lab report + mid semester exams + final exams.
Of these, almost everyone in my class group (we are grouped based on HS math ability) scores 80%+ on every assessment, ranging upto 100%, including exams.
There is no grade curve.
Of course, this depends on your exact locations (each institution here has a different setup, and your country probably has a different one aswell), but ultimately don't drink/party too much outside of semester breaks, put in a little effort and you'll do fine.

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