Summer Depression

There is a huge difference between being depressed and having chronic depression. You pulled yourself out of your funk. Neat, good job. You should be proud of that. But you were depressed. Chronic depression follows you wherever you go. You can be having the time of your life surrounded by family and friends while simultaneously feeling like pond scum and seriously wanting to asphyxiate yourself being afraid to go home because for months you've been planning on tying a cable around your neck and hanging yourself from your bedroom door. This shit isn't magically cured by going on walks and hanging out with more people or working more to keep your mind off of it. Those things definitely help but it is a temporary bandaid covering a festering wound and no matter where you go, where you hide it is ALWAYS with you. Therapy and medication help and doing positive actives definitely alleviates symptoms but you can't bootstrap your way out of a very serious and often DEBILITATING and PAINFUL mental illness that kills millions of people every year at a rate of one every 40 seconds, sorry bud.

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