[Sun Care] Does anyone else struggle with needing to get sun for the good of your health but also avoiding the sun because you don't want it to age you?

I have lupus which makes me incredibly sensitive to the sun, but I also have a vitamin D deficiency that makes the lupus worse. Unfortunately, since even as little as five minutes sitting near a closed window can trigger a sun rash, I have to slather on SPF 50 and wear UPF clothing every time I leave the house, and have to rely on supplements for my vitamin D, which never seem to cure the vitamin deficiency no matter what dose I take.

Honestly, lack of vitamin D can cause serious issues down the line including bone density loss and osteoporosis, as vitamin D is also related to calcium absorption. If I could, I would gladly go with a slightly lower SPF on my arms and legs, or maybe not even apply it if I was going to be outside for less than 10 minutes. Wrinkles are literally nothing in comparison to the health of your bones and organs! Wrinkles can't seriously injure you - a slip and fall on fragile bones can. (I know it sounds really dramatic to say, but it happened to my mom who also has a vitamin deficiency and subsequent osteoporosis.)

If you're that scared of wrinkles keep using the SPF 50 on your face and hands, but maybe do 30 on the rest of your body. Just don't avoid the sun entirely and risk illness in the process, please. As someone who knows what it's like being sick, trust me - it's no fun.

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