Sunday Dinner Megathread - Were you a winner winner this week? Share your dinner dinner with us here! - (June 11)

Had a very lucky win today.

Played 3 guys in squad. One D/Cs off the jump. Proceeds to go shower while he waits for us two to play on. We land in pochinki and that's right where the middle of the big ass circle is giving us maximum loot time. We both get our gun favorites (silenced decked out UMP/ silenced SCAR) he gets his sniper and vector. Crate drops in the field right south of pochinki. We see the crate but not the team of 4 who have already looted it and rolled into Pochink. As we run to the crate I start getting fire from my left, crouch, down the runner and kill him. Retreat to a house- kill one of his friends. About 2 minutes later after looting their bodies the other 2 squad mates open fire on us but don't down us. I land a perfect nade toss into the second story of the house downing 1 and we rush in there to kill the second. We then get the perfect 15 times scope and everything silenced. Ended up with 12 kills as a group and first place. All from the battle of pochink.

(I know I'm butchering the spelling I just needed to share my story)