[Sunday Swap] The Indie Marketplace: Sell/Swap your unloved indies!

[US ONLY][To Sell, but Open to Swap][Perfume Mostly] Alkemia, Arcana, & NAVA

$5 minimum. Shipping is a flat rate of $3.50. Paypal F&F preferred, but I can do invoices upon request. I'm open to swapping for my wishlist.

Wishlist -Arcana (Full Bottle Preferred) (Fille de Joie, Miranda, Peaches Crave Paws, Peaches Crave Pirates, Peaches Crave Trance, Peaches Crave True Love, Pumpkins Crave Bread, Pumpkins Crave Ganesha, Strawberries Crave Summer, Strawberries Crave Waterfalls)

Alkemia All Sample Sizes, $25 shipped for all or $1.50 each. - All Hallows Eve - As Dark Things Were Meant to be Loved - Au Lait - Affaire de Coeur - Blackberry Noir - Bonfire Toffees and Woodsmoke - Calliope - Cidre de Automne - County Fair $1 - Dalliance - Dia de Los Angelitos - Le Fruit Defendu - Paradise - Trick or Treat - Vixen

Arcana - Peaches Crave Vanilla (Full Size, Tried 2x, $17) - RhiHoHoHo (Full Size, Tried 2x, $17) - Strawberries Crave Botanicus (Full Size, Tried 2x, $17) - Sweet Box (Full Size, Tried 1x, $17) - Vanilla Craves Spring (Full Size, Tried 2x, $17) - Mira (Ajevie Decant, Tried 1x, $3.50) - The Huntress (Sample, Unused, $3.50) - Bean Sidhe (Soap, New/Unused, $5)

NAVA - Bastet's Snow White (Full Size, Tried 1x, $20) - Moonstone (Full Size, Tried 1x, $25) - Seth's Secret Incredible Spiced Hot Cocoa Cake (1/2 ml Sample, Sniffed Only, $2)

Sniffies (Free with Purchase) - Arcana (Sample Size) - Gideon (x2), Isolde - Nava (Full Size) - Rilke's Book of Horus

/r/Indiemakeupandmore Thread