How does Hexennacht compare to other indie houses?

but the goal should be changed behaviors, collectively processing the lessons/healing, and maintaining community as much as possible.

So, just to give another perspective on this, my block when buying from them is how do you ever know that change has been made?

How would any of us have known about their views and behavior had they not felt comfortable enough to engage publicly before being called out?

As parasocial as this sub gets with indie brand owners, they're a business. Are they apologizing because they got caught, because they want people to stop bugging them about it, or because they genuinely see the wrong in what they did?

For me once the trust is gone, it's gone.

Once is all it takes to erode it. One time violating trust and privacy by linking my perfume order to my reddit account. One time taking a lot of people's money, but only delivering some people's orders. One time feeling comfortable publicly mocking a customer. One time commenting against abortion rights.

There are obviously varying degrees of severity, but why should I order a perfume to continue supporting someone when looking at it is just going to make me question if they'd be mocking me if they saw me? If they'd still want my money if I told them I'd had an abortion? If I knew others gave them hundreds of dollars and received nothing? Why would I want that sitting on my dresser every day?

I want to see change and growth as well, but I can't help but question if it's actually happening. At the end of the day the users on this sub are customers, and a business is going to say what's necessary to retain as many as possible. I buy perfume because it brings me a certain joy. When a brand stops doing that there's no reason for me to buy from them.

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