supplemental income?

lol so much retail shit talk in here.

first of all you don't need $250K to make $2500 in a month. That's 1% gain in a month, jesus christ give me a break.

second of all, ofc you can trade on the side of your 9-5. Trading doesn't work like that, that you need X hours a day to make X% a month rofl. you can pull a good 3% just trading the LO for 2 hours everyday. (with good risk mgmt)

whats time consuming on the other hand is the road to learn how to trade profitably/ and consistently.

and this , I don't think people realize how much time and losing money goes into this. i know people who's done it in 2 years...but i'm talking about people with no job who studied the market for 12 hours + a day .

do you have the time and will, to drop everything in your life, not just your job / career / academic progress, but also a big portion if not all of your social life and recreational time?

getting into trading isn't a little side thing you do for supplemental income. it's like starting a business, just like anything else at pro level.

you think aspiring NBA players do a lil' basketball practice on the side of their 9-5 job and then end up signing contracts? ofc not, they drop everything to become something that only 1% succeed at, and if u don't make it u become a shitty high school coach.

but that's the risk involved. like any business start up.

i mean sure u can become a decent trader with the approach of a side thing. i know a guy who's got a comfortable job with 6 figure salary. he learned on the side, took him 8 years to trade profitably tho. and he's a smart guy. now he's also fine with a 2-4% weekly gain lol, but whatever thats his business.

/r/Forex Thread