Do you support our teachers currently undergoing mandatory "white fragility" and "systemic racism" training?

Being for racial equality is not a radical narrative, but the stuff in Robin DeAngelo's book is much more than that. It has an entire theoretical model about racism to go along with actually just encouraging people not to be prejudiced, and it's a weird model.

John McWhorter is something of a contrarian but he does a pretty good breakdown of what's seriously wrong with her particular approach with anti-racism in this recent article in the Atlantic:

DiAngelo’s depiction of white psychology shape-shifts according to what her dogma requires. On the one hand, she argues in Chapter 1 that white people do not see themselves in racial terms; therefore, they must be taught by experts like her of their whiteness. But for individuals who harbor so little sense of themselves as a group, the white people whom DiAngelo describes are oddly tribalist when it suits her narrative. “White solidarity,” she writes in Chapter 4, “requires both silence about anything that exposes the advantages of the white population and tacit agreement to remain racially united in the protection of white supremacy.” But if these people don’t even know whiteness is a category, just what are they now suddenly defending?

/r/ontario Thread Parent