"The switch 2", new werrrrk room

Alright, trying not to be a total cunt...

  1. This content was pretty much already posted.
  2. Didn't someone create a separate "The Switch" sub? If not, they should-- the show looks great, but these small mundane posts really would be more appreciated over there.
  3. Now that Gia and Kandy are (very likely on)-- I think that this show is going to be continually more relevant content to our sub. I, personally, do want to know how Kandy/Gia fare on a similar but different program...

^ Now all that being said... it's not an English-speaking show, the content is likely going to be difficult to view in the US/UK/Aus/etc., and overall I think people have divisive views on the "relevance" of this show to the sub.

So, what's the answer?


I don't know if the mods of The Switch sub could post a weekly self.post here (they do give you karma now, hennies) with like a summary of the week/performances/translations or universal links? I feel like it's sort of like this: the show is tangential to RPDR, and the Kandy/Gia posts are 100% related... but I really don't care about the other contestants, work room temperature, or really much outside of that. So maybe /u/Broosh can talk to those mods and figure something out?

Since the switch is gearing up more, and might feature more spanish-speaking Rugirls in the future... I think we should figure out what is the best way to celebrate the crossover w/o people being petty haha. Thoughts? Should I make this a self.post for visibility? Who knows.

/r/rupaulsdragrace Thread Link - fotech.cl