Sydney Daily Random Discussion - March 11, 2019

I don't doubt your academic learning

That's probably the one thing you should

I do doubt your ability to hold those ideas up to the light of the obvious

People often mistake their own myopia for 'the obvious'.

I do doubt your intellectual honesty.

Fine, here is some intellectual honesty.

The reason people on welfare are forced to live below the poverty line while we actually hand money out to folks with 395k in assets is.... you.

Without people like you that buy (and, even worse, spread) lies about 'the plate' without bothering to educate themselves but get morally indignant about how they think the system maybe works, no one would vote for the constant demonisation of the poor under the guise of 'welfare rorts gone wild'.

Why do we pay aged pensioners - who had an entire working life to 'build wealth to look after themselves', as you put it - 150% of Newstart? Who can have 880k in assets, plus a home... and still get part of that 'pot'?

It's not because it magically costs someone old significantly more to buy groceries. It's because one is an easier target for self righteous battlers to kick.

/r/sydney Thread Parent