T1 unique droprate nerfed despite GGG saying Perandus was a successful experiment?

Hey Chris. Not sure if you'll read this, but as an avid Juggernaut and talking with a few other juggernauts, we've been wondering what is our incentive for wanting to stack Endurance charges?

Both power charges and frenzy charges reward a player for keeping them refreshed (increased crit chance / more damage and everything from frenzy) but endurance charges do what? Physical damage reduction and elemental resists.

As a Juggernaut, most of us are already nearing maxed Physical reduction, especially when using the "double armor" Unbreakable node. Additionally, it is an unspoken rule to always be resist capped in Merciless and beyond. Endurance charges, at this point, serve to do nothing other than be consumed for Immortal Call.

I like the change to the Juggernaut "Unrelenting" node, but feel like it doesn't fix what's wrong with Endurance charges (or the Juggernaut Endurance related nodes). 6% increased damage per charge is a drop in the bucket when Im already doing 35 thousand unbuffed damage on a six link, the 8 endurance charges I maintain only giving me 48% increased damage (which is less than most other damage oriented nodes, if only barely even) when requiring an investment of 2 points per additional charge (so that's 8 points Im not using for health and other stats).

On that same note, the new unique gloves Veruso's Battering Rams are equally useless. These are gloves that give no life and no resistances in exchange for a little damage (32% when at 8 charges? I have 8 charges for crying out loud if I had 8 frenzy charges my damage would almost double). Why would I use these gloves when some Juggernauts spec out of Unrelenting because, quite frankly, its useless.

So back to the main point. Can endurance charges do something useful? Perhaps they can somehow give max elemental resists per charge (0.5% per charge?)? This would give us Endurance charge stackers an incentive to keep ourselves stacked up while not feeling squishy to all elemental damage (like getting exploded by any high elemetal damage mod map).

I want to end my little rant with I truly love this game, but I want to know why Endurance charges feel like hot garbage whose only purpose is to be eaten by my Immortal Call CoDT setup.

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