Switzerland: Muslim students must shake teacher's hand

As a Sikh America, I always get somewhat annoyed when I read anything about the need to wear a turban. Yes, a turban is part of the culture, but the general sense is to have your head covered. In Islam, I know the women have hijabs. So there are a lot of religions that have specific dress requirements. I mean if these people are working a retail job, office job, etc. yes, let them keep the turban, hijab, etc. I don't think most places like that have a specific dress code that applies to things like that. However, if you decide to work at Hollister, understand that that is not their image and they do have a dress code. Don't sue the freaking company to get your way. Also, if you have to wear a turban, understand that the military requires protective headgear for a reason, but obviously if we keep making exceptions people will try to get their way.

I think the most frustrating thing is when people pick and choose what parts they want to follow and push those on others. Clearly, the Sikh guy in the article wants to keep his beard, but it is obvious he trims it, so he is okay with cutting it, just not all of it. Also, there are more things a Sikh is supposed to do, which clearly he doesn't. It's like women who wear hijabs because it is part of the culture and religion, but are okay with makeup, fashionable clothes, etc. when modesty is one of the reasons behind the hijab. I mean most people do this, the problem is when you start imposing these views on others and start taking legal action to get your way.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - bbc.com