Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

I've been playing WoW since the WoD expansion hit and for the last 3 months mained a brewmaster monk. Currently made it to 6/7 Normal Highmaul and I absolutely love the class, but I'm having trouble getting a feel of how well I perform. I think I seldom cause a wipe and healers seem to be keeping up with me but the first could just be blantant ignorance and the latter could just mean I have sick healers in my guild, rather than me being any good. I feel like I lack a proper reference - none of my guildies have Brewmaster experience, meaning I am stuck with my high-level "I dont die so I think I'm OK" approach and that sucks, because it also means I have no idea on how I can improve....

I tried analyzing combat logs but can't make heads or tails out of it. I got a link right here which you can check for a few Brackenspore attempts we did. Disclaimer: this was far from my best performance, but I am just wondering which statistics you use to determine how well or bad I managed to handle the fights. I can then use those as a base to monitor my own performance.

What I have noticed is that I am quite "spikey" when it comes to my healthpool. Even though rationally I would expect this to be a Really Bad Thing, it feels as though this is just the way the class plays - especially as I would often just use guard which promptly can absorbs dmg equal to 60% my max HP, followed up by expel harm and healer heals and I'm in the clear again, so no biggy, right? My buddy healer once said (when I was even less experienced) that he felt like I was continuously on the verge of collapsing but "somehow manage to keep standing" which sounds like a Really Bad Thing, but then he adds he isn't very experienced in healing and never healed a brewmaster before me, so he has no clue whether his feeling comes from his healing skills, the way brewmaster spec works or me just still having a lot to learn...

tldr; any tips on how I can monitor my performance without reverting to messy and inaccurate stuff as feelings and hunches? Any info is much appreciated :)

/r/wow Thread