Tattoo artists, what are some requests you simply refused to do, and why?

That a funny moment. I'm working, as a tattoo artist, for a few years, and my prices, are simply lower, than others. In, one of my days off, i had a lot of calling, from a client (F19), so i can't say no, cause she promise me, a big tip. There are, a two little tattoos, in "bikini zone". Literally, that's a two words, what means: Come And Use ( More Vulgar). That's not, what I'm used to make, but i try. After a week, one, pretty old man, comes in, to find an artist. I'm the only artist here, so i said, that's me. He asked me, for a private conversation (luckily, I'm just done, with client). After a little chitchat, he shows me, a pictures. And yeah, that's a my work with that girl, week ago. He was very appreciated, by my work, and asked me, can i make an another "sign", what's meaned: " Daddy's Little Girl" (in more vulgar way, again). He choose a day, for her, and give me, a little deposit for it. By the way, this man - is her father. I knowed it, 'cause they lives, on the next street, by me. That's, very strange...

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