Teachers of Reddit: Have you ever had a student you wanted to fail so bad but couldn’t because of how well they did in the class?

Had a classmate that was a dickhead to everyone, he'd fail at any task given to him and he'd complain about how he was being targeted and that he was discriminated against.

He was the most racist and homophobic micropenised bitch, he'd be offended by anything directed towards him.

By our junior year, he was failing very subject and any help teachers had given and any oppurtunity to not fail he squandered.

He was forced to repeat junior year when all the teachers just gave up on him, they didn't bother asking him for homework or even expected him to do anything. He thought his classmates were jealous of him being able to fuck around and just laze off but we all knew everyone had given up on him.

I was told he was supposed to go back to 10th grade because his grades were so low.

If you fought back against him in any form he'll yell out everyone hates him because his mom has cancer(she doesn't).

Last I heard of him, he tried to be a NASCAR driver but he had the same mindset as Cartman in that regard, he can't drive anymore because he broke his legs after crashing his car into a tree.

/r/AskReddit Thread