Teachers of Reddit, what's a ridiculous excuse a student was late or absent that turned out to be true?

I taught high school. My first year teaching, this kid pulled a GENIUS level stunt on me.

Kid comes in late. I ask what's the reason. Kid says, "LL Cool J is in the hall." I was like, no freaking way. Kid starts saying, "HE IS. HE IS." I looked at him incredulously and I said, "So if I open this door and go out in the hall, I will see LL Cool J?" Kid was ADAMANT, "YES YOU WILL."

So now the whole class is invested in this and egging me on to go out in the hall. I am debating, should I, shouldn't I. Finally I offered the kid an ultimatum. I said, "If I go out in that hall and LL Cool J is not there, you are going to the Principal's office." Kid readily agreed.

I open the door, walk out in the hall and there is giant life size poster of LL Cool J on the wall at the end of the hall. I felt my heart drop to my toes. His image was being used on those in-school magazine style posters warning kids not to use drugs. So no he wasn't really there, but technically he WAS there.

I head back in the classroom. Whole class is hooting and hollering. "We GOT you! We GOT you!" This incident is literally one reason why I stopped being a teacher.

/r/AskReddit Thread