Team shopping and loopholes

That’s not exactly why there doing it lol your close though. Alot of them make one account a shopping account and the other a delivering account. The shopping account never actually completes any offers and usually just stays at the target. By never completing any orders they stay in the rookie provisional period and get priority offers. They drop them usually at a random time throughout the hour inbetween when Shipt sends offers because they know majority of people won’t be refreshing then and they won’t get dinged like 6:37. The other account is refreshing as they are dropping so they can grab it in open metro and deliver it. A lot of times the customer won’t even realize the order was dropped because the new account checks out with it really quickly due to it being pre shopped. The support agents making them promos and higher pay are just add ons. Cherry picking at its finest

/r/ShiptShoppers Thread