Tell me about your knights.

The Knights of the Greyheart order:


Originally a rather hedonistic (Google it, most people think what hedonism means and are wrong) club for lonely nobles, where the powerful could make friends with their peers, the greyheart order evolved to form a new religion, based on spiritual and fisical wellfare

Zealous followers of the most anti-fanatic religion, this order crusades, be it by writing or by fighting, against anyone who doesnt support their vision of a perfect world:

A world where no one hates or hungers.


  • Camarederie above all, in peace and war. Every good man loves the others. Or at least doesnt hurt them.

  • Honesty is the second key to holiness. That includes not fooling yourself about anything.

  • Greater Good: seen as increasing the abundance of material and spiritual goods for the rich and the poor.

  • Holy Smiting: of those who grow discord instead of unity.


A grey heart with a quill and a sword crossed. If its on a banner, the background is a wheat field.


  • The Right: everything militar falls on this "arm" of the order.

  • The Left: everything not militar, from engineers to artists.

Ranks (equal for both arms)

  • Ignorant: newcomer.

  • Doubtful: low-ranked member.

  • Hopeful: commander of a varying bunch of "doubtfuls".

  • Thoughtful: commander of a bunch of hopefuls.

  • Wiseman: Commander of a bunch of thoughtfuls.

  • Key: commander of a bunch of wisemen. Commited to both arms, unlike the previous ranks.

  • Keymaster: Lord of the entire order.

I'll keep writing tomorrow, im tired

/r/worldbuilding Thread