Tell Me What Dreams and Visions You've Had

So my ex, left me a month ago, because of my parents, my mother liked him a lot and then she just disregarded him because of some religion issue and for a whole month I get reminders of the time when this happened before but in a different context that he had left, but basically, a lot of synchronicities. Also hearing music, people giving me advices stories or relaying quotes to me that I already knew from back then. but I wasn’t seeing him in my dream at all and then on the 25th, This is how the dream goes, I saw my mother looking and searching for something, because someone precious to her has died, and then she’s speaking to someone about this dead person, and basically we are in a circle surrounded by lots of cars, that are taunting us, and then we basically just exit out of the circle (I have seen a similar dream like 3-4 years ago where me and this ex were in a forest and were going to participate in a race, this I had seen during the first breakup with him) and then we are walking and I basically see a man wearing a shirt with my ex’s name on it saying “He is you, you are him”. Quite strange, and then me and my mother are home, idk this house and idk why I am calling this home but in my dream it is home, and I see my ex there and he’s speaks to my mom and tells her not to worry and that she will find whatever it is she looking for and my mother leaves from there, then he speaks to me and spends some time with me, and then somethings gets into him and he changes from the person I know? And then I woke up, and I was like what was that? I had one message from his brother in law wishing me Christmas and asking me how it’s said in my language, I was too sleepy so I didn’t reply and I quickly write down my strange dream, and I look into reddit feed and the first thing I see is the Schumann graph, and I was like I’m soooo sleepy I’ll see what this is after I record this dream, even tho it could just be my subconscious and consciousness speaking whatever I speculate?

So anyway I, meditate a little and fall back asleep, and now this time I’m in a library, and me and my ex are cosying up in a corner, near a fireplace that’s not lit, and we are reading, and then some guy walks in and has a conversation with other people and then flirts with me? To which I flirt back and my ex doesn’t react, takes me out of there and then tells me he doesn’t want me to flirt with guys when he’s there for me, and I’m like wtf, aren’t we broken up? And then idk what happens but we are running from “something or some people like those movies” and he ends up sending me away on some train and then I woke up again.

/r/Soulnexus Thread