Tesla prepared to move out of California amid fight over factory shutdown, Musk tweets

You're mistaken, I do not believe that at all, nor did I every say that at any point. I'm looking to leave! This area is great for software engineers but not worth it for many other white collar professionals.

My point is some highly educated engineer will take my spot and and for every business that leaves two new startups will take their place. This area definitely has its share of social problems, but to suggest that business is struggling or people are fleeing, which you were, is highly misleading or just straight moronic. So I'll circle back to my original point. As a whole, the less educated and poor are leaving while software engineers and entrepreneurs continue to flock.

How many empty houses do you see. How many shuttered businesses (pre covid)? What's the unemployment again?

I'll fucking wait.

This area is going to be the econmic powerhouse of the world for so least the best century. Get over it.

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