There goes the neighborhood. Reddit aims for IPO this year

I still can't figure out how this place makes money. It's obviously going to be targeted ad revenue but there's a real glaring problem with a lot of the subreddits. Unlike Facebook or Twitter or even your average forum. There are rules and boundaries and if you participate you kind of figure them out. Here it's not like that. Here there are some subs that run one way and other subs that run completely different. I think that's going to be hard for a lot of people to really latch onto. Video game and political in particular are extremely ban happy. That really doesn't create the best user experience. If you've been around reddit for a long time you kind of know how to avoid the crazy. If you're new...mmm. There really need to be sitewide regulations that prevent mods from just banning people that make a comment they don't like. Too many in real life friends refuse to use this platform because of the mods that purposely create echo chambers.

/r/stocks Thread