Testing 'many RPers had shitty parents and are emotionally wounded by more than just feminist rhetoric on how to attract women' theory: does any of this ring a bell, guys?

My parents were both narcissists. To an extreme degree. I think being raised just on your own by the female narcissist can be totally damaging for boys and girls. But boys always develop this sense that their father was "right about this bitch thats why he left." Once they stop worshipping and trying to gain the mothers affection they unnecessarily swing to the complete opposite side of the pendulum and blindly believe that the father was a victim and was right and alpha and the mother is just a brooding bitch.

If your father knew that your mother was horrible why didn't he take you with him? Why did he leave? Furthermore fucked up people are attracted to each other. TRP likes to premise that men fall into traps and are trapped by crazy, stick their dick in crazy and all that bs. Like attracts like if you are a fucked up selfish individual of course you will go for fucked up selfish individuals. And if you are continually "sticking your dick in crazy," the pattern also includes you-you're crazy as well.

TRP supported pairings are something I am completely against as it was literally how I came about. Alpha, foreigner father who believes women should always be submissive and should never try to earn more make more than the man married a woman who only cared about her looks and pretended to always be something to attract men and fit in. The problem was my mother always made more than my dad he couldn't handle that and left. He just attached himself to more unstable pretty women reproducing and never taking responsibility for his kids. My mother blamed us kids and hated my dad, attaching herself to beta bucks. She particularly blamed me, still makes fucked up little comments to this day, because I was never pretty and thus I could never win her affection.

In the first one the girl says the mom never listens to her setting down food even though she says she is not hungry. Imagine literally not eating for days when you are 12 years old, being 80 lbs even though you are 5 foot 2, begging your mother for food and her telling you that you are too fat to eat and will never be anything if you are fat.

Imagine being beaten every time you are forced by a court to see your father and even though your brother has a black eye and had to go the ER for a concussion dad tells everyone waht miserable selfish kids he has and how much he sacrifices for all of you and everyone nods their heads in agreement.

This upbringing definitely affected how pragmatically I see relationships and is definitely why I think bluepill and redpill will negatively affect society.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread