Testosterone linked to greater persistence in men

From what I've read sex hormones don't really fully explain the differences between the two sexes

What other factors are you claiming cause the differences in brain structure between boys and girls in the womb before birth?

. For example while higher levels of testosterone in an individual do seem to increase levels on aggression, that does not mean that testosterone causes aggression.

Straw man. I never said that testosterone causes aggression.

Claiming that it doesnt is completely irrelevant to the issue at hand.

Some of the research I've read seem to suggest that it facilitates and enables aggression already present in an individual.

Im not even sure what that means.

What does "facilitate" and "enable" mean in this case? And how is it relevant to the question at hand?

There's also how the social has effects on the biological. So the way we act can increase our levels of certain hormones.

What are the social effects that cause the brains of boys and girls to be different before birth?

It also fails to explain how gender is not rigid, you can have women who are more competitive and aggressive than men.

Straw man again. I have never said anything about aggressiveness or competitiveness. These "traits" are extremely vague and subjective, which makes them of little value and usefulness.

I was talking about brain structure. Why dont you address what i actually said instead?

There is also a large variation in sex differences across societies.

I agree that there is variation.

Just because men have higher IQs in general, and strongly over-represented amongst those with the highest IQ, it doesnt mean all men are smarter than all women.

There have been some observed where there behaviour differences do not follow along sex lines or others where females are dominant and males are passive.

More vague and subjective traits observed and "measured" through highly unscientific methods.

If the biological explanation is correct, one would imagine that biological variations alone would account for the differences between men and women, this seems to indicate otherwise.

The brains of men and women are different even before birth.

We are born different when it comes to how our brains are connected.

This is an unquestionable fact.

I'm not arguing that biology does not have a role in differences (i'm still unsure about that) but I don't think it completely explains it, other factors do seem more significant.

Is that because you are scientifically illiterate or religiously indoctrinated?

Surely no intelligent person would claim that there are no biological differences between the sexes?

/r/science Thread Parent Link - psypost.org