TFW I fail to qualify to 10th tournament in a row

The problem here is that you have no fucking idea what an analogy is or how they are meant to function. Let's look at the evidence of you using what you believe are analogies;

I don't get to walk into my job and call my coworkers retards for making suggestions

Not applicable to what JJPasak did, he doesn't have "coworkers".

In my eyes, however, he does have a boss, and it's his viewers

Not applicable/fucking lol

And finally from your previous comment

Watching an adult walk into a store and throw a temper tantrum because that store won't accept a refund or coupon is embarrassing

Not applicable (if anything it applies to you); JJPasak was already in the store, that he owns and operates, and threw a tantrum about a viewer telling him how he should work.

None of your "analogies" are applicable. Analogies are similar comparisons. They are not ways of changing the meaning of words to fit your retardation.

What you should have done is just said that you want this (and I suspect all) particular streamer to act a particular way you personally believe to be correct, without trying to use analogies at all. It would have been less embarrassing.

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