THANK YOU pokestop lighters! Can we all commit to this?

Guys don't call the people who lure up that area spoofers they are more then a little pissed off about it. We got a regular crew of 10-15 people total who sit in the subway under the street to lure up that spot. Not all the time mind you but enough to keep that place hopping.

Now far as spoofing is concerned I work in one of the buildings right at that spot. My brother spoofs however so I asked him to go to that location. His game crashed because of the amount of lures and the GPS spoofing program making him blink between that location and our house constantly. He then tried again and got soft banned after a minute. He then used to spin Pokestop trick to unban himself but then got banned again in less then 5 minutes because he was blinking in and out so often.

That area uses so much CPU/GPU of your tablet/phone that unless you are on the highest end phones you will be unable to spoof at that location without getting a soft ban often. I am sure it happens but its not like other spots that can be spoofed safely.

/r/pokemongo Thread Link -