Asking this out of curiosity just to see your opinions, please don't take offense to it. Why do many of you advocate open-source/free software and use Linux while playing proprietary closed-source video games? Doesn't that defeat the purpose somewhat?

As people have mentioned it, it's partially a practicality issue. I think there are different levels of severity, if there isn't any sort of surveillance, DRM or price gouging, etc. and it's not something critical like the OS, Browser, chat etc. I don't think it is as much of a problem. I'd still prefer it to be open source, but it doesn't feel as urgent.

I do disagree with the idea that games specifically are a cut apart from other software however. I like to do creative work on my computer, and am particularly interested in trying to get to do music production on my computer. I don't really get why it's okay for games to be proprietary, but not DAWs or Plugins. It's extremely important to have free software options, but so long as the proprietary ones aren't totally abusive (quite a few are), I don't see a huge problem. Like I don't see how having computer game X is more acceptable than say Reaper.

And as far as games go, DRM is bad and really should be avoided if possible (sometimes it can be tough). We have DRM free alternatives to get games and I find it's sad that even Linux user's act like Steam is the end all be all. (not all games on Steam are even DRM though)

And personally, I don't think being able to inspect and modify the source code is the most important thing with Free Software. I still prioritize lack of surveillance and other abuses, DRM, the copy left nature of some licenses, to all be more important.

/r/linuxmasterrace Thread