Thanks for that commercial break, Brian. Back to you, Will.

\‘ ~ 74°/ol 4:44 p.m.

Roleplay Chat Meet Anime + More

Bio: "Hi "", my name is Brian and |'m16 which I'm I a guy. I'm a dom and I can be nice but if you don't respect me then ima be a [oops] to you which I don't wanna be mean since I like being nice and funny. If you ever want to rp nor chat then I'm fine with that but if it gets like really awkward then I might stop chatting with you. Also I don't like being in group chat so please don'tjust put in a group chat without asking because I really hate that, which if you ask me to be in your group chat ima so no so don't ask. Plus if you are Gay, Bi, straight or whatever then I'm alright with that. If you want to rp it can be Clean, D.irty or both which ever is fine with me but I recommend to have an idea first before messaging me because it's gonna be awkward. I have a furry character and a Anime character so just to let you know that and if you have a rp that I don't like, don't get mad Alright. Take care “I "

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