And then the robber pissed himself and everyone applauded

Well, I'm a gun fag, and that particular scenario is not one of my "fantasies".

I do, however, think about certain situations which might occur while I am armed, and how I should responsibly handle them. If you want to consider that "fantasizing" so be it... I and others who carry a gun know it's the responsible thing to do to consider what may happen and how you should handle it.

For example, say I'm walking with my wife down the street, and someone calls her a whore and a slut. Back before I carried a gun, I might get in that guys face. But when you are armed, you no longer have that luxury. If you escalate the situation and a fight occurs, and that guy brings out a bat and starts breaking ribs and you have to end up shooting the bastard, guess who goes to jail? Me. Because I escalated the situation.

I'm sure you consider that a "fantasy". I consider taking the time to consider what may happen and what you should do about it a wise use of some of your spare time.

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