Don't try to have sex with this Redditor or else they might beat you up!

You are too focused on a straight man attacking a transgender. You see nothing else. The guy does not want to have sex with a transgender, simple right? Now IF he had sex with the trans he would be very upset because he did not know and now it is too late. Now what your not getting is just because that person is a trans is not the only reason but also not the primary reason for him wanting to beat the shit out of them but because of this specific trans persons actions or lack of actions. This is NOT a problem between sexual orientation groups. This is a problem between 2 people only, otherwise any altercation outside of their own race or sexual orientation would be considered a hate crime. These 2 people easily could’ve met at a party, told each other their sexual preferences and genders and become very good friends had it not been for the uninformed sex there could’ve easily have been no problems. It’s not about hate or automatically being against ones beliefs or whatever else it’s about actions not hate.

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