As an Indian woman, I feel safer travelling at 11PM in Mumbai than travelling after dark in US, Europe or New Zealand. I've lived in New Zealand and currently live in the US and have travelled around Europe. White men have stalked me, cat called me in al these countries. My husband doesn't let me go to the grocery store alone in the US because he has seen women getting followed by guys. I was 12 when I visited Europe with my family. Men in their 30s were trying to talk to me when I walked ahead of my parents, because they thought I was alone. An American friend of mine was gangraped by white republican men during a festival in a mid western state in the US. This news never became a global headline and America wasn't called a rape capital. Stop acting like you don't know the politics behind the hatred for India.
Rape has nothing to do with race and everything to do with opportunity and mentality. It's easy to shame Indians all the time because we have inferiority complex to such a fucked up level that we accept everything the west tries to portray about us.
Women do not get a better life just because they live in the west. And wealthy women everywhere have a better life than women that are a a part of the working class. You need to snap out of your fairytale that other countries are safe for women.
I've been creeped out by men in India and in other countries. There's no difference in the kind of thoughts they think when they are creeping on you.