There is a lot of competition in my building from independent ISPs, I wanted to show you guys the deals Bell offers when they actually have to compete.

You're right. Did the research, and apparently for that ONE building Bell is offering a very good deal. However, the point remains that this is a temporary offer, and that the price is subject to change. Knowing Bell, that means that after your first year you'll end up paying Bell's regular prices (as in, get gouged).

This also brings to light just how expensive their regular prices are, though. When I thought that $24.95 would get you DSL, well, it's actually $29.95 for only 3 Mbps, with a cap of 20 (!!!) GB per month. Imagine that, after a year of barely using your really slow internet (because with 20GB, there ain't much you can do!), you end up paying $60 a month for that garbage!

I may have been wrong regarding this specific plan (and I would still advise anyone in that building to go with another company), but Bell is still a monster of a company, and should not be given anyone's business, ever. They've built a business by milking their customers for every penny that they can, and now are anti-competitive and refuse to roll a network out to the rural areas as they were mandated to do (with our tax dollars, which they have kept instead of doing as they should have).

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