Why is there so much hype around Bonelab?

I understand that not everyone likes sand box games, people call it a tech demo but i think it's just people disliking the fact that it's pretty much got no story, it has lore and ig ,super vague story, but boneworks did create a new spark for physics based games, which imo every VR game should have, i find physics based games my favorite type of VR game, I think the biggest thing apart from the game itself, is that they basically got boneworks running on the quest 2, and considering the pictures from the quest store, they look VERY similar to pcvr, and pcvr looks great, in my opinion i am extremely excited for it, i get that some might not like it, but they shouldn't call the game mediocre, when it is a pretty good game, may not have a good storyline, but if it had a good story and less restricted sandbox unlocking stuff, it would easily be one of the top games

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