There is nothing wrong with shipping

Okay. I'll bite. Mischievous enough to have a little fun with you too.

I'm mature enough to know that things that people enjoy and find comfort in are not always healthy for them, or ethical. I'm mature enough to recognise that not everyone will feel comfortable with romantic and sexual fan works created of them, and mature enough to make my own decision to rule out real person fan works for this reason.

That being said, I don't think it is immature to like, create or defend fanfiction, or shipping in general. I have published (and since taken down) real person fanfiction even just months ago, so I relate very strongly to your position on fanfics.

What I think is immature about your posts is that multiple times now, you have made assumptions about the people you reply to and attacked their personalities, rather than their arguments. This comes across as immature lashing out, perhaps because (like me, when I was you) you are worried deep down that fanfiction/shipping critics might be right, and that might mean you are immoral.

For what it's worth, I don't think people like you are immoral. I just think people who ship in public throw caution to the wind when it comes to their subject's feelings, and I'm not okay with that anymore. I won't fight against it - I don't have the energy, nor honestly the conviction - but yeah, I'd be delighted if this all vanished from public spaces like Twitter, where it's rampant. AO3? Eh, I don't know where I stand on that, since it's a specific shipper space. But yeah, I don't want my idols to see romantic/sexual fan works/speculation/"jokes" and I don't want general public to see them either. The fandoms give general public enough reason to write my idols off as it is...

Man I could write an essay about my thoughts on fanfiction and shipping. 14 years and counting of weighing up the pros and cons, trying to reach a conclusion...

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