Is there a universal consciousness that permeates the Universe?

If applied with caution, it isn't arrogant. However, it is arrogant to believe that everything in the universe can be explained by empirical observation and analysis, since we have limited abilities to sense the space around us and since we don't have any way of interacting with the majority of stuff in the Universe (dark energy provided that dark energy isn't really just a geometric feature like gravity). Especially when trying to understand the universe with a limited processor like the human brain. If the history of our science has taught us anything it is that their is always more to it than we imagined and that the Universe is bigger and contains more things than we imagined. Discounting the possibility of the existence for alternative frameworks for understanding the Universe is ultimately naïve because it assumes all knowledge of the universe can be gotten through an empirical observation. This is a necessary assumption for carrying on scientific research but it is not a necessary assumption for understandings the possible means of describing the Universe.

One way of describing the universe is through particles that have velocity. Another way of describing the Universe is through particles that have position. Those two descriptions are non-commutating so that the particles that make up the velocity universe do not exactly line up with the particles that describe the position universe, which creates an error when we want to talk about a particle having velocity and position. You can imagine an alternative means of describing the Universe where the particles that comprise consciousness are made up of the same stuff as the particles that make up the velocity or position descriptions of the universe. However, these consciousness particles do not line up precisely with our known descriptions of the Universe. We can assume that they make up there own unique description of the Universe but we can't precisely identify them.

In essence, the Universe is infinite and spread across time. We perceive finitely at one time. Accordingly, we must break up the universe (an entity that could be understood as a single waveform by an infinite entity) into chunks to understand it. Although the alternative means of describing the Universe make it look very different to us, those alternative means are all describing the same thing form different views.

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