Theres always those kinda players...

Regardless of grammar, it doesn't make sense.

My memeology is not very strong, and every time I see this "Nobody" format I do not understand what it is supposed to mean.

For instance, in this one, there's "Nobody" and "Warzone players". So is "Nobody" supposed to be everybody that doesn't play Warzone? Or is it nobody at all? Based on the context of the video, "Nobody" is actually Warzone players who do not shoot at other players in the air. Is it implying that "Nobody" who plays Warzone does not shoot at other players in the air? I.e. everybody shoots at other players in the air?

Humor is subjective, and to me this "Nobody" format is truly unfunny and needless clutter to an otherwise decent joke.

/r/CODWarzone Thread Parent Link -