There's probably some women out there whose children secretly belong to the wrong man and are freaking out about the fact that people are taking DNA tests for fun.

You have money and still suck with women, dude either you are a bad liar or you are hands down the biggest douche in the universe.

Yes I really believe you pay that much in taxes, everyone subreddit like r/MGTOW just sound like basement dwelling kneckbeards but are in fact highly successful business men.

Even if you are telling the truth (you aren't you are a cringey no lifer) society built your stupid fucking success, sure you helped but without all those peons on the bottom your dumb ass wouldn't have a market to sell to. If people stopped having children you would have even less people to sell your product to. If the infrastructure didn't exist you wouldn't be where you are. Go to the libertarian Utopia of Somalia and tell me how it works out.

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