Thinking about losing virginity to a rapebait.....bad idea?

I "argued" with the people whose points I think didn't apply to me or that i wanted clarification on. And some of my replies were pure questions and people act like "how dare the 18 year old not accept my sage wisdom". And yes, different people handle different things differently. That doesn't seem controversial. Most of the "normal" things in this sub grossly offend most people. I think there's good advice in this thread that has caused me to change my mind (which apparently you missed), I think there's "generally" good advice that doesnt apply to me, and I think there's also some pretty bad points and bad arguments. Just like on most topics. The difference is, some here gets irate because they think they're ultimate sex sages who can't be wrong. I admit I may be wrong, despite the words you're trying to put in my mouth. Enough so that I changed my mind on what I'm going to do. You don't notice where I don't argue though because in my audacity to give my opinion, about myself, you decide I'm just someone who doesnt listen to anyone and will never change my mind. Which I already did. It's a fact that I know myself better than any of you know me and that I know this guy better than any of you do - it's also a fact that you have insights about aspects of sex that I do not and those are what I was seeking, and there's some good advice there. I'm allowed to point out where I think certain pieces of advice don't apply to me.

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