Schizophrenics of reddit, what were the first signs of your break from reality and how would you warn others for early detection?

This sortof happened to my mom when I was really young evidently. She claimed that she believed that every time she thought something bad she was killing some random person on the planet because of it. She became suicidal because she thought she would be saving lives. Then I guess later that night when I was under her care I also got the curse and when I was thinking bad thoughts somebody would die. So she went to the local sheriff's office and asked them to kill us. She ended up going to rehab and the episode was chocked up to drugs. It was the best thing to happen sort-of because it gave me a relationship with my dad during that time and my mom got off drugs and alcohol for good. 20 years later about 6 months ago she started getting really really bad again and refuses to seek help from outside the family and I have a very unstable living situation so I can't help really her. It wasn't until recently that I realized what she likely went through 20 years ago was a psychotic episode stoked by drugs.

I'm not an expert or anything but as others have claimed in the thread there is help out there and it might be worth asking for the help if things get too bad. It makes me sad to think my moms out there cold and scared because she's too afraid of doctors.

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