Thor: Love and Thunder Becomes Worst-Rated Thor Movie on Rotten Tomatoes

Yeah because I remember the amount of unnecessary hate for Venom 2018 and I realised it wasn't that bad after all. It was a huge improvement over Spiderman 3 Topher's Venom. The plot was engaging. Tom Hardy was perfectly casted. The action sequences were badass. The jokes were also great. The design of Venom was also great. The post credit scene teased Carnage for the future movie. Everything was perfect about Venom 2018 except the fact that it wasn't Rated-R and Venom 2018 has like hardly 30% on Rotten Tomatoes. I mean it is no masterpiece like Spiderman 2 or Iron Man 2008 or Captain America Winter Soldier or The Dark Knight but it is also not garbage. Like 2017's Justice League or 2016's Suicide Squad. Seriously Venom 2018 gets a lot of unnecessary hate. From Venom 2018 onwards I have stopped trusting critics.

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