Thoracic Outlet Syndrome?

Hey there. I'm so glad to hear back from you!! Honestly it sounds like classic TOS. When you've gone through all that diagnostic and nothing else is coming up, there's really few other things that it can be. It's pretty much par for the course for no doctors believe you. Mine went undiagnosed for at least 10 years. Even though I've been saying for years it was TOS.

There is some good news though. The top TOS experts in the United States all put their heads together and issued an executive summary two days ago. It was published directing vascular surgeons basically to get on the ball. Made it free availability immediately as well. I have been distributing it to all my medical professionals and actually I've been getting pretty good feedback. I posted it in the chronic pain sub today.

Where are u located? I can probably definitely help get you pointed in the right direction. You have to know where the right places to go are. Because regular doctors don't know what to do with it.

I know a ridiculous amount of about TOS, more than most doctors out there. My surgeon even tells me that! Sadly though, I had to become an expert in my own condition to make sure I was getting the right medical care. Because over the years I've had a lot of bad shit happen and it had deteriorated so bad before my diagnoses that I was actually having mini strokes from it. So I had to really learn a ton about it and get bossy with a lot of doctors. Then I finally found my surgeon who is an expert at TOS and it's been seamless ever sense through the four surgeries this year. My pain is so drastically reduce tonight and functioning so much better. It's not perfect though but I have my life back now.

If you want to message me by email that might be easier because the conversation view is was kind of weird in my Reddit app. [email protected]

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