To those who don't know why people grieve artists

I'm there with you. Been silently grieving Chris Cornell and now Chester moreso. I've just plugged the headphones in and listened. It's strange how all these lyrics I've grown up with and screamed at the top of my lungs become something else when the man who wrote them ends his life like this. Sort of affirms all the sadness and pain within them. And through that, I think, we as fans really can connect with him. We all feel it. It's not our own pain and suffering anymore. We don't listen to these harrowing words and lament in our own sorrows. Now is when we truly feel his. It's all become too real, but I find a but of reprieve knowing millions of people worldwide are all having a shared experience in the loss of Chester. We truly stand in solidarity with one another, with Chester, and the rest of LP.

I remember being in 2nd grade ~14 years ago. Hybrid Theory was my life's blood. It was the first CD I ever got, and I used to play it every night on my older sisters walkman. I always really loved "Pushing Me Away" which, like the others, has now taken a shift in meaning to me. One lyric in particular "The sacrifice of hiding in a lie." 6 year old me could never have imagined the weight a seemingly simple line like that could bear.

Then Meteora came out, and I remember singing and rapping through it every single day with my buddies in the lunch line. LP was really the first band that ignited a passion for music within me. And for that alone I'm eternally grateful. RIP Chester. We're in this together man.

/r/Music Thread