In Thus Spoke Zarathustra, does Nietzsche discuss WHY we should strive towards the Ubermensch?

I think the section The Three Metamorphoses provides a vivid point its value.

Where the camel is the wicked priest type, all his subjects, and all who bear the burden of others for burden's sake;

the lion is the nihilist blond beast who lashes out against the dragon (which is territorialized society with its rigid but valuable scales);

and lastly, the child for all its virtues of exploration and free-play is the ubermensch.

The ubermensch approaches life with a vigor for understanding, learning, and most importantly, creating.

This isn't for everyone, because it does come at a great sacrifice (you're abandoning, walking past that mighty dragon with his beautiful scales-- you are forced to create value rather than to rely on the dragon to create it for you) N mentions this in Human, All Too Human, that the untergang and its consequent ubergang is not for everybody-- in fact, most people are more than happy being in the herd and really ought not do anything else.

But for those who will sacrifice for the sake of great striving & fulfillment--

He calls for striving self-mastery, which includes becoming-animal, but is much more like becoming-child.

He calls to refute the Judeo-christian priest or the tyrant king or the flock of sheep. The priest creates a wicked alliance between the subjects of god and god himself bound by infinite debt. In Christian faith this stems from original sin. He tells man, "repent in the name of infinite debt, you are the object of infinite debt," and man is enslaved, his power of action is restricted just to that which motions towards piety (as stipulated by the priest): the priest is a tyrant as much as the blonde beasts, if not more because this severe limitation on will to power is borne out of ressentiment.

Society is not an ultimate authority. The ultimate authority is creation, it is art: or to put it another way, art represents the lack of an ultimate authority. There exist ends “just a little higher” than those of our society, and the State.

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