TIFU by not getting my kid a Christmas present.

When we had our first my husband was making $40k in IT. When we had our third -- a surprise, I was on the pill -- he was making almost $70k and was finishing his MBA with every reason to think he'd be promoted to management. He'd been with the company for 8 years and had been promoted steadily, as you can see by his pay increase.

He had a heart attack at 36. Put him into kidney failure. Dialysis for 3 years. Living donor kidney transplant from a stranger. Strokes. Brain damage. Amputation. He's dying a piece at a time and they're cutting pieces of him off to keep him alive. Enough of his brain is gone now that he isn't so aware of it now. Every so often he has a moment where he does know, he's aware for that moment that SONETHING IS VERY WRONG HERE but then it's back to Star Trek or Facebook and he's gone again.

That's all I can bear to write just now. I don't mean to sound like I'm yelling or angry. It's been a very difficult week for me and I'm really emotional. But I wanted to respond and explain.

Every single one of us will grow old and need help, if we live long enough.

/r/tifu Thread Parent