TIL that in 1987 Steve Rothstein took advantage of the AAirpass (a promotion by American Airlines that let people pay a one time $250,000 and have a lifetime of unlimited flights) and quit his job so he could fly continuously. This ended up costing the airline more than 21 million.

I never claimed I was. My position on drugs is that the government has no business telling anybody what to put in their body. My position on meth is that people addicted to it are shady as fuck and can’t be trusted.

Oh you're only Libertarian on drugs then? Except for the drugs you dislike. Again, one of the dumbest comments I have ever seen.

Do you have any personal experience with any of these substances? Each drug of choice has its own unique culture and impact on the outside world. If we legalized everything right now, the tweakers are the ones I’d worry about the most. Everything else I can handle.

And once more, you're using your personal experience to dictate what you think should be law. I'm sure kids growing up with abusive alcoholic parents would want alcohol to be illegal instead of meth.

This is my last comment to you. You pretend to be unbiased, but you're letting your own experiences dictate your beliefs while ignoring other people's experiences.

That's a shitty way to love your life.

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