TIL an alcoholic court stenographer in Manhattan repeatedly typed I hate my job instead of documenting speech during cases

here are issues with stenographers, but there are going to be more issues like insufficient volume, technical problems, etc. that will occur with an automated system and won't happen with a stenographer

And you've not demonstrated that. I don't believe that without proof.

For one, it has no good way to provide feedback.

Says who?

A stenographer can be easily interacted with, request someone to speak up

So can a recording device

immediately note when something is stricken from the record

Why can't a recording device be programmed to do this?

and actually understands what is happening in a court room.

Why does it need to do this? It's just recording audio.

Yeah if you ignore what myself and others have been mentioning in our previous posts, sure.

I'm not. The only argument that has been provided is it can't transcribe. So have a human transcribe but only when it's necessary. Nobody's given a good reason that can't happen.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - independent.co.uk