TIL that the average life expectancy for those with Down syndrome has gone from 12 years in 1912, to 25 years in the 1980's, to upwards of 60 years in the developed world today.

Good job, you read what I posted.

See? Condescending. But no, I did not read your comment, I read the Wiki article linked up top.

Oh? Well since you copied my comment about GiGi's Playhouse, maybe you could look into that? People of all ages with DS interact there. I can say with confidence that I've met and talked to many more people with DS than you have. I've also met with, talked with, had lunch/dinner with, and befriended many parents of all ages who have children with DS of all ages. I'm not talking out of my ass- I'm talking from experience and hearing first-hand experiences.

So every DS sufferer is happy? Okay, I can buy that, I have a problem with DS sufferers being relegated to the role of "such happy people, so happy, much joy", but that's neither here nor there. What about the burden it puts on families? The parents and siblings specifically. What about all the comments here about how having a DS sufferer in their lives has made their lives worse, when do other peoples lives come into account?

You're promoting this amazing wonderful life filled with joy and happiness and all from having a son with DS. There are so many problems and issues with bringing a sufferer into the world I can't call you noble or heroic (although I thnk you'd probably disagree). You're also only 3 years in and haven't had to care for an adult with DS. I hope your son is high-functioning enough that he can go on and be able to care for himself, but many families don't have that option and are stuck.

Best of luck to you.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org