TIL Charles Whitman (Texas Tower shooter) asked to have an autopsy after his death to see what caused him to kill. After the autopsy it was discovered that he had a tumor pressing on his brain, which could have been the reason for his shooting.

The NRA does it for every tragedy? You know ones that just happen (not ones from the 60's. I do apologize to any family members on Reddit from that time.) like really bitch some more dude. It happen decades ago and my point is that you all are calling the man a good man. Then why the fuck do you people preach "bad guys with guns kill people, not good guys." Either you people are extremely hypocritical (which is already known about gun owners) or you guys just can't comprehend my point that the slogan is stupid and only hurts others (like the little girl who killed a gun instructor and has to live around you fucks saying that.) sorry I am a gun owner who wishes to keep my guns and knows the way we are handling things now is only going to make us lose our guns in the future. Like sorry I can acknowledge and want to change errors that I see within the gun community (like this idiocy of only bad guys with guns do harm.) the fact is this was years ago and you all are praising the guy as a good guy. Then why must you idiots still preach only bad guys with guns are bad. It's clearly wrong but I'm the asshole for pointing out the hypocrisy of gun owners. I also am the bad guy for trying to bring awareness that the NRA is doing more harm to gun rights than mass shootings are doing. The organization is scum but yet plenty of you support them with open arms. I mean sorry I am smart enough to know blind people shouldn't own a gun. But I guess we really do have some stupid fucks in America. Next time they use the next tragedy to push there agenda I am sure you will eat the NRA's dick. But you have not problem dismissing logical claims about the NRA because he goes against my agenda. Once again the hypocrisy with gun owners is strong with this one. I mean come one do you guys even stop to think about things every now and then. It can be refreshing. I am so very sorry I upset you by using a tragedy from 66 to bring up how stupid gun owners make themselves look on Reddit by preaching one thing while saying another. Sorry though I will be sure to not talk about how Hiroshima should be an example why we shouldn't have bombs of that capacity. But it's might upset little minds like yours. Maybe go to your safe space so you don't have to here dickheads like me.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org