TIL In China you can hire a misstress-hunter, who will befriend the misstress by social engineering and convince her to end the relationship. Most of the time they are hired by the woman of the cheating husband, in order not to "lose face".

Couple questions for you:

-is it OK to decline a toast from the boss or co-workers?

-is it OK to decline an invitation from work to go to KTV?

-is it OK to not accept a co-worker or boss giving you fruit?

-is it OK to decline doing a favor for a boss?

-is it OK to go home before the boss and clock out on time?

I usually see a lot of bullshit from redditors concerning China, especially stuff like the sesame credit system, but what the guy above you wrote:

If you're friends with a Chinese person on a one to one basis they're usually pretty relaxed but in a group with other Chinese or back home in China then they go mental for it. It might sound like stereotyping but harmony, heirarchy and reputation are the highest priority out there, If you're seen as disrespectful or a troublemaker then you're screwed professionally and socially.

That is absolutely spot-on here in China. Dunno if you're actually Chinese or Chinese-American or what but that guy nailed it.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - scmp.com