TIL Liam Neeson used to be a teacher but got fired for punching a 15 year old boy when he pulled a knife out in class

Remember that episode in the TV show Recess? Specifically Season 4, Episode 8, where somebody started a food fight? Finster, the yard duty with the sharp, shark like teeth, takes over the investigation. Well, Gus saw who started the fight, and wanted to tell his friends about it. But all of his friends and classmates were telling him through coercion and peer pressure to keep his mouth shut, due to Kids Honor Code.

The whole episode is a series of flashes as each kid, who potentially saw the food fight, gets grilled by Finster. She grills them one on one, in a dark room with a solo light bulb hanging overhead. Gus, the nerdy son of military general, is the last to go through the Finster grinder. The scene spends a longer time with him in this room than other kids. We can see him struggle, as tries really hard to keep the secret inside. The scene ends with him being released from the room, without ever giving up that secret.

Initially everybody assumes he cracked, because the culprit was caught and found out. All the other asshole kids try to blame him for tattletelling. Then Finster, in front of every little asshole kid, announces in truth that Gus never said anything. But he was the only one who kept his mouth shut. Everybody else snitched as soon as that interview room door closed.

So.... yeah, I feel your classmates are full of bullshit, is what i'm trying to say. Everybody told the story as it happened, and more than a few of them probably played up the details and drama of the incident. Yet no one is going to ever admit telling the truth to their peers.

That Recess Episode on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-krGCsPIkU

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