TIL women care more about a man's shoulder to hip ratio than they do about penis size.

I'm in my early 30's, and have been with a a few. Started in high school, went on to be a server at a restaurant and 'played' my way through many working there. Never, once, ever, never had size mentioned, and always had recurring good times. Now I will say that my unit is completely and utterly "average." It's no long dong, but it's no shriveled member. Would I like a bigger penis? Well hell yeah! Am I ashamed? Nope.

Now, fast forward to a couple years ago. Dated an older gal, while I was in my late 20's. We went on a few dates, got along, was great, then we started talking more "sexyish?" (for lack of a better term) I distinctively remember her saying through text one night just flat out, brutally honest, "Honestly, I think the one thing that could make us possibly not work out could be your ..."

I knew what that meant. But I pressed forward anyways.

We banged, and we banged often. I could tell she wasn't really into it every time.

Then one day, out of the blue, after dating for approx. 2 months, she ended it. She used a lame bull-shit excuse, and in the midst, she stated that we just weren't a good fit. I knew exactly what that meant.

She required a bigger fit, and that's OK.

But I will say that it has struck my ego down. I've slept with a total of zero women after said breakup. I've gotten several home, in my bed, but can't get over the hurdle for fear of inadequacy. In-fact, recently a date we went out for early-evening drinks then a movie. We were very handsy, rubbing necks, hair, arms, legs, then the "move" came, where she put her hand on my thigh, and started to bring it towards my junk, and I got so uncomfortable I "suddenly needed to pee."

Yes, it matters to some women. And that's OK. I just need to convince myself that.

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